Tag Archives: Sunglass Hut

Fabulous, Always

We at Fair Folks are very much influenced by things we find out there on the interwebs. What people did before computers, I just don’t know. It’s a little scary sometimes, the way technology is woven into our lives, and the way information is available at your fingertips at all times. But it’s also kind of amazing and I’ll take it.

I wanted to share some work from a few writers and collectors or creators of content that have been really interesting to me lately – more to come!

Nell Alk by Bryce Ward

Nell Alk by Bryce Ward

Let me start with Nell Alk, whose writing can be seen around the web and in print in so many varied and impressive publications, that I can’t even begin to list them. Check them out from here, or here. She covers concerts, gallery openings, fashion shows… interviews famous types, it just goes on and on. The girl’s got a good work ethic. But more than that, she’s got good taste, so following her musings is always a pleasure.

Lately, she’s been musing double-time on all things fashion for her blog in Sunglass Hut’s competition, Full Time Fabulous. It’s been narrowed down to the top ten contenders, and only one will be the face of Sunglass Hut in 2011. It is my opinion that that lady blogger should be Nell. Check out her blog, where she’s been writing profusely about fun things like New York shops worth checking out, the pain and pleasure of window-shopping, red carpet fashion and more.

Nell Alk by Bryce Ward

Nell Alk by Bryce Ward

Nell also tweets.

Until next time,
